Tuesday 17 March 2009

Pepperoni con i Caperi - Peppers with Capers

This is a colourful, ridiculously simple and tasty dish, which I like to make either as part of a cold antipasto, or served warm with fish. 


Bell peppers: (count one per person), any colours you like although yellow, orange and red work best, green is a bit tangy.
Garlic: two fat cloves
Capers: fat ones with stalks if possible, or small ones in brine.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper


Pour yourself a glass of white wine and put on some music you like. Remove the stalks and the white pithy parts of the peppers then slice them into thinnish strips. Heat a generous amount of olive oil in a frying pan and plop in the crushed garlic cloves. Before they start to brown, add in the peppers and lower the heat, stir until all the peppers are coated in garlicky oil. Raise the heat to scorch the peppers for a few minutes then lower the heat again. Add two heaped teaspoons of capers (or more if you're cooking loads) and a couple of teaspoons of their brine. Stir again and cover the whole lot and allow to slowly bubble away for about 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. I like to add chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley before serving, but its not essential.

Many people aren't keen on eating peppers before bedtime so I tend to serve this as a lunchtime dish. Perfect for springtime!

1 comment:

The Compassionate Hedonist said...

how funny!! I was just trying to think what I could do with peppers tonight, and if I have capers I think I will do this. YUM....